RecoveryPro Features
Your members rely on you to protect their assets in the event of an unforeseen disaster, making it critical for credit unions to have a blueprint for emergency preparedness.
RecoveryPro supports credit unions throughout the entire process of creating an effective Business Continuity Plan (BCP). We begin with a thorough business impact analysis to identify and prioritize key business processes, followed by the development of a robust BCP for disaster recovery, and the creation of an incident management plan for addressing emerging events. Additionally, RecoveryPro includes guidance on the validation and maintenance of the BCP, ensuring its ongoing effectiveness. Credit unions can choose to enhance their plans with elements such as risk assessments and comprehensive policies.
Program & Policy
Model plan content and guidance on key information will help credit unions set clear goals, prepare their teams, and effectively activate their Business Continuity Plan (BCP). The system allows for the addition and maintenance of information specific to the credit union. Our robust yet user-friendly content management tools ensure easy access and ongoing maintenance of the BCP.
Preparation & Planning
Use RecoveryPro to identify and document your business processes, workflows, and dependencies while analyzing impacts and defining recovery strategies for your Business Continuity Plan. . Checklists help determine the considerations and resources needed and provide a template to build systems recovery documents which detail the technical recovery process for each internal system.
Incident Response
Documenting procedures and strategies for technology, human resources, facilities, and key business functions is critical. RecoveryPro provides a comprehensive roadmap for incident response and assists with the creation of Occupant Emergency Plan procedures tailored to individual locations.
Risk Assessment
RecoveryPro provides an outline to identify the potential risks, likelihood, and impact of various scenarios, including natural disasters, human failures, and mechanical failures. The Risk Assessment section also aids in identifying mitigation measures and analyzing gaps associated with identified risks.
Robust auditing tools make it easy to document and review every of stage development and changes to the credit union's BCP. The Track Changes tool allow users to see what has been added or removed in a document, making it simple to spot updates. The Auditing Notes feature helps everyone understand the reasons behind modifications. System Reports give a clear overview of all activity dates, so users can quickly see which plan sections have been updated, reviewed, approved, or published. Finally, our archiving and publishing options let users access previous versions of content, ensuring historical context is always available.
The Assignments feature allows authorized staff to assign reviews for Business Impact Analyses, Risk Assessments, published content, or documents uploaded by the credit union. This built-in functionality is designed to keep staff and board members engaged and accountable, ensuring that reviews are conducted in a timely manner. Once an assignment is completed, users have the opportunity to provide feedback on their review.
RecoveryPro’s publishing process allows the entire plan, or selected plan content, to be compiled into a single document for staff, board, or examiners to access before, during and after an event. Our secure, web-based platform allows authorized staff to securely access, view, print, and update plan content from any internet connection at any time. At this time usage and access is unlimited.
File Management
Our secure File Management feature provides authorized users with the option to upload the credit union's own documents. Files can be organized within designated folders in the Resources area, making them easily accessible to staff and board members. Files and folders can be customized with specific access permissions to determine exactly which users will have access.
Validation & Maintenance
It is critical to ensure that the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is both effective and regularly updated. RecoveryPro offers tools, including tabletop exercises, to simulate various scenarios and assess their impact on business operations and recovery efforts.
Authorized staff can securely access, view, print, and update the Business Continuity Plan from any internet connection at any time. Administrators can establish varying levels of access for users, ranging from full administrative rights to read-only permissions. This flexibility ensures that all team members have the appropriate access they need while maintaining the integrity and security of the credit union's content.
Credit unions will be able to easily navigate the system, which utilizes technology similar to CU PolicyPro. Comprehensive User Guides provide step-by-step instruction on how to most efficiently use all of RecoveryPro’s features. The CU Solutions Group staff is available to assist with technical support, questions related to content, or general best practices and tips for developing and managing your plan.
Questions? Contact the League InfoSight support staff at 800.262.6285 ext. 510 or
*Please note that CU PolicyPro and RecoveryPro availability and pricing may be based on league/association affiliation.
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