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August 14th & 15th, 2024
All times are Eastern Time Zone


Registration for this event has been closed. All sessions will be recorded and made available on InfoSight.

Wednesday, August 14th

8:30am – 9:00am    Welcome and opening remarks from former NCUA Chair, Rodney Hood

9:00am – 10:00am    Steve Koinm, PureIT - Key Principles in Incident Response 

Description: This session delves into essential strategies for managing and mitigating cybersecurity incidents effectively. The session outlines fundamental principles that guide organizations in crafting robust incident response plans, emphasizing timely detection, swift containment, and thorough recovery. Attendees will gain insights into orchestrating coordinated responses, minimizing damage, and fostering resilience against evolving cyber threats.

10:00am – 11:00am    Ken Otsuka, TruStage – Fraud & Scams (Part 1)

Description: Fraudsters deploy sophisticated social engineering scams resulting in large losses for credit unions and members. In fact, a significant portion of credit union fraud losses are a direct result of social engineering scams. This session will cover the following:

  • Account takeovers and the P2P/Zelle fraud scam along with Regulation E implications for re-crediting victimized members.
  • Business email compromise (BEC) wire scam along with a discussion on how deepfake technology will take the BEC scam to new heights.

11:00am – 11:15am    Break

11:15am – 12:15pm    Ken Otsuka, TruStage – Fraud & Scams (Part 2)

Description: Staying on top of the changing fraud environment can be frustrating as fraudsters are quick to change tactics. It’s important for credit unions to understand these tactics so they can craft risk mitigation strategies. This session will cover a variety of today’s hottest fraud topics, including:

  • Interactive teller machine (ITM) fraud
  • Fraudulent U.S. Treasury checks
  • Fraudulent business accounts opened to cash stolen checks
  • Recent trend in account takeovers and money mules
  • ACH debit fraud

12:15pm – 1:30pm    Lunch

1:30pm – 2:30pm    MaryAnne Colucci, Envisant – Debit and Credit Card Fraud Trends

Description: Dive deep into the ever-evolving landscape of debit and credit card fraud as we uncover the latest trends, tactics, and preventive measures. Your role in combatting fraud is crucial, and this session will empower you with the knowledge to protect your institution and its members.

2:30pm – 3:30pm    Regulatory Panel, facilitated by Sarah Stevenson, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs at NASCUS

Description: Join us for insights from regulators from different states and what they are seeing in credit unions regarding internal/external fraud, where are their areas of concern, and what are some ideas for mitigating risk.

3:30pm - Closing

Rodney Hood

Rodney Hood
Former NCUA Chair

Steve Koim

Steve Koinm

Ken Otsuka

Ken Otsuka

MaryAnne Colucci

MaryAnne Colucci

Sarah Stevenson

Sarah Stevenson


Thursday, August 15th

9:00am – 10:00am    David Reed, The Nuts and Bolts of Internal Security 

Description: Daily headlines remind us of the risk of embezzlement and self-dealing by trusted staff. We must remember the security requirements found in Part 748 of the NCUA Rules and Regulations don’t just cover risks of external fraud.  Your members trust you with their private information and their money. What happens if there is a security breach within your credit union? From pre-employment screening to effective internal controls, this session explores critical aspects of an internal security program.   

10:00am – 10:45am    Sean Flynn and Christie Tillmann, Account Opening to Account Takeover: Strategies to Combat Today's Fraud Threats

Description: In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, fraudsters continue to become more sophisticated with their approach and techniques in obtaining and utilizing consumer information to open new accounts and takeover existing accounts, putting more community financial institutions at risk. Fraud has been rising for the industry, exposing members to sophisticated types of fraud threats. The increase in risk, coupled with higher credit lines, has increased industry losses. As credit unions strive to offer seamless and secure services to members, they face an ever-growing array of sophisticated fraud tactics. Transunion experts will cover how to classify fraud correctly, emerging fraud trends and best practices to combat it. Key topics to be covered include:

  • Emerging Fraud Trends: Overview of the latest fraud schemes impacting credit unions such as new account fraud and account takeover.
  • Industry Benchmarks: Insights into Community Financial Institution lending market dynamics – covering risks and opportunities.
  • Best Practices: Best practices for early detection and prevention of fraud utilizing advanced technologies and tools to enhance fraud mitigation. 

10:45am – 11:00am    Break

11:00am – 12:00pm    Ty Parker, Prevent Fraud Losses by Sending Large Checks for Collection 

Description: When your credit union is offered a check for deposit by a member that is not drawn on your credit union, your credit union is completely blind to fraud problems. And Regulation CC funds holds do NOT prevent fraud losses: Reg CC is a funds availability law NOT a check loss prevention law. The only way to attempt to prevent losses on very large checks offered for deposit is to send those checks directly to the institution the check is drawn on (the payor institution) for payment. This program will address all the fraud loss problems with checks offered for deposit for credit unions, along with your credit union’s options to prevent those losses with special emphasis on sending checks for direct payment (aka send a check for collection). If you want to provide excellent check deposit service as well as prevent large check deposit losses, you need to attend this program.

12:00pm – 1:30pm    Lunch

1:30pm – 2:30pm    Keith Riddle, Tyfone – Faster Payment Fraud -  A Layered Approach for Effective Risk Mitigation

Description: As payment options expand and consumers and businesses demand immediate money movement experiences as part of their financial institution's digital channels, risk management, and operational teams grapple with the aspect of controlling fraud when introducing faster payment use cases. The irrevocable component of instant payment networks has elevated the requirement for financial institutions to deploy flexible fraud control systems that allow for a layered and configurable approach to managing risk.  

Keith will review various faster payments fraud challenges, best practices financial institutions can follow, and the suite of tools that can be leveraged to offset the common concerns of "faster payments result in faster fraud".  

2:30pm – 3:30pm    Glory LeDu and Emma Nelson, League InfoSight Resources

Description: After an amazing two days of training, hang in for the last hour to review all of the Fraud resources that are being offered through League InfoSight and partners!  

3:30pm    Closing

David Reed

David A. Reed, Esq.
Reed & Jolly, PLLC

Sean Flynn

Sean Flynn

Christie Tillmann

Christie Tillmann

Ty Parker

Ty Parker
Independent Consultant

Keith Riddle

Keith Riddle

Glory LeDu

Glory LeDu
League InfoSight/CU Risk Intelligence

Emma Mason

Emma Nelson
League InfoSight



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